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Hello and welcome to my blog
I pour my heart and thoughts here
Pardon my words-CASPER

A True Love Story

⊰Sweet Dreams⊱
Love does not aks you to discard your pride, it's about protecting a person, don't do this in the future, don't believe people so easily, don't fall in love so easily. Please, become Stronger ♥

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Only an act of true love
can thaw a frozen heart
"Casper No Bad Thoughts"

Bestfriends never let you do
stupid things, ALONE!
"Girlfriends For Forever"

To the Tired.

Kepala hatuk kau tired bagai. Atas hanya auta semata. Ayat tak bersyukur dapat hidup langsung haktuihh. Its just tired of being in this routine baby baby ba** its damn so true. Wake up in the morning and realize that, school baby school. And hate being around people. Hypocrite people. Pretending like oh Ain, you was good enough and kind enough and bla bla bla how many did he or she trick? Cheat. Tipu lah bongok. Sebenarnya saya nak cakap saya tak suka depan saya orang cakap baik berlagak baik being humble lah sangat kan padahal belakang aku kau mengutuk ibarat sejahat-jahat mulut sebusuk-busuk longkang. Apa kau ingat kau lawa? Ini peringatan untuk diri sendiri dan buat semua. See? And please lah, im tired of being drama queen jugak lah. Penat berlakon malaikat depan kau padahal dalam hati tuhan saja yang tahu ohyeahyeah. Please, take a mirror and blah see yourself. Wahai sang lelaki, jaga mulut bulan puasa nak kurangkan dosa melebihkan pahala. Go get clean and clear and clean your mouth lah. Seronok merepek. Beware, your highness.

#Puasa hari yang keberapa dahni? Happy belated ramadhan to all Muslim. Cc //Xfxf//