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Hello and welcome to my blog
I pour my heart and thoughts here
Pardon my words-CASPER

A True Love Story

⊰Sweet Dreams⊱
Love does not aks you to discard your pride, it's about protecting a person, don't do this in the future, don't believe people so easily, don't fall in love so easily. Please, become Stronger ♥

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Only an act of true love
can thaw a frozen heart
"Casper No Bad Thoughts"

Bestfriends never let you do
stupid things, ALONE!
"Girlfriends For Forever"

The Hangout

Hang out dengan member lamee . Member rapat . Yang dah lamee tak jumpe . And yes . Mereka yang awesome . The one yang buat Ain senyum time sekolaa rendah till now . Boys and girls yang menjadi kebanggaan warga SK Seri Biram . The one yang memang mempunyai neon otak yang tergolong dalam spesis gila gila . Tapi semua jenis ade otak setaraf albert enstein . Yang ade kemahiran masing masing . And for sure , yang laki memang hensem . Yang perempuan memang cantik cunn *kecuali the one yang baju ungu tuu . 

Guys , thanks for everything . Sorry for everythings too :)

Awak semua yang cunn , pandai , baik . Happy New Year . Thanks for everything and please forgive me for all my mistake . Goodluck for PMR and wish you for great 2012 .

Yes . The engseng and the cungg one :D

Iman . Thierah . Fiqah . Sorf . Sharifah . Ikhmal . Muhaimin . Hafiz . Irfan .